Principal Characters


Historical persons are set in bold, followed by pronunciation pointers in parenthesis and the translation of the names in italics. The letter combi­nation ‘th’ is pronounced like an aspirated ‘t’.


The royal dynasty

Senusret III. (Senusret) – husband of goddess Ouseret – A king who carries a heavy burden.

Khenmetneferhedjet II (Khenmet-nefer-hedjet) – joined with the White Crown – The Great Royal Wife called Sherit, the younger, carries no weight.

Nofrethenut (Nofret-henut) – beautiful mistress – The second royal wife carries the Horus in the egg.

Senetsenebtisi, Menet, Sat-Hathor, Henut – Senusret’s daughters carry on to provide entertainment.

Atef (short for Hori-hetep-em-Atef) – Horus is content with the Atef crown – A royal servant who carries himself without fault.


Hori and his family

Hori – name of god Horus – A physician who can’t heal his own heart.

Sobekemhat (Sobek-em-hat) – Sobek is at the top – Hori’s father and the vizier, pathologically concerned with his dignity.

Nofret – the beautiful – Teti and Puy: Hori’s mother and brothers – Sick with worry? Rather not.

Heqet – name of the frog goddess – Hori’s maid is seriously hurting.

Sheser – arrow – Hori’s servant and sometimes his stretcher bearer.

Mesu – child, short for Ra-Mesu, child of Re – Hori’s lovesick gardener.


Nakhtmin and his family

Nakhtmin (Nakht-min) – Min is strong – A physician fighting a futile battle.

Mutnofret (Mut-nofret) – (the goddess) Mut is beautiful – His battle­some wife who has much to lose.

Baketamun (Baket-Amun) – Servant of Amun – Nakhtmin’s cook who fights like a lioness.

Inti (short for Inen-Ka-i) – my Ka lingers – Nakhtmin’s servant yields to his wife without a fight.


Ameny and his family

Ameny (short for Amen-em-het) – Amun is at the top – The second prophet of Amun suddenly bears great responsibility.

Isis – name of goddess Isis – Ameny’s wife has a lot to bear.

Huni and Bata – Their twin sons like to bear down on visitors.


At the House of Life

Imhotepankh (Imhotep-ankh) – Imhotep shall live – Head of doctors who likes to keep things clear and simple.

Ouseret – the powerful – A female physician surrounded by mystery.


In the Amun temple

Iriamun (Iri-Amun) – belonging to Amun – The first prophet suffers from old age.

Duamutef (Dua-Mut-ef) – name of one of the four sons of Horus – Wor­shipping his mother – The third prophet quite likes men.

Djedefra (Djed-ef-Ra) – his perpetuity is Ra – The fourth prophet suffers a snake bite.

Kagemni (Ka-gemni) – I’ve found my ka – His successor doesn’t pity him.

Hemiunu (Hem-Iunu) – servant of the god Iunu (Ra) – Head of the priests who dislikes his assistants outflanking him.

Sehetep – the satisfying one – Hemiunu’s right hand who doesn’t always satisfy his superior and must undergo woebegone experiences.

Neb-Wenenef, called Wenen – master of his existences – a priest who has much to regret.

Setka (Set-Ka) – seat of the ka – a priest who isn’t easily suffered.

Neferka (Nefer-Ka) – beautiful ka – A priest who takes to his studies with a vengeance.

Bai – my ba – a priest easily insulted.


At the House of Death


Hut-Nefer – beautiful house – The head of the embalmers keeps dark secrets.

Kheper – formation, rebirth – An embalmer who’d like to guard Hori.

Hornakht (Hor-nakht) – Horus is strong – An embalmer on his guard.

Nebkaura (Neb-kau-Ra) – The lord of the kas is Ra – A lector priest one should guard against.

Merit-Ib – beloved heart – His wife guarding herself.


Additional persons

Thotnakht – the king’s first scribe.

Tep-Ta – one of the kings personal physicians.

Senankh – head of the Medjay, the king’s law enforcers.

Monthnakht – commander of the garrison protecting the embalming compound weryt.

Sennedjem – a palace guard.

Rahotep – his cousin and a weryt guard.

Geheset – a midwife.